Tuesday, January 22, 2013

How to lock Folder with Command ​Prompt

Before, we ever introduced you some programs for protecting your files and folders safely. Now, we will show you the technique on how to protect your files and folder by using command prompt (cmd) that is already available by default in Windows.

Please do the following instruction carefully:
First of all, you open command prompt by entering Run Dialog or (start windows key + R) and type "cmd", and press "Enter" key. Then, the command prompt windows will pops up, please then type the drive name that contains your folder, for instance, my folder name is in Drive D, so I type "D:" and press Enter key.

 And if we want to go enter any folder, we just type "cd" and that folder name. For instance, cd photo while photo is the folder name that we want to enter.

When we are at the folder that we want to protect, we type "Cacls July /p everyone:n"
(July is the folder name that we want to protect).

After typing the above command, it will confirm you by asking "Are you sure?", then we type "Y"and press Enter key to finish.

 After you locked your folder successfully, your folder will show like below picture:

To unlock the folder, we do the same like the above command but we change "/p everyone:n" to "/p everyone:f" , for instance, "cacls july /p everyone:f"

Please remember this Command ​clearly in order avoid any problem on your folder.
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