For a daily use of computer, it is really difficult for you to manage or control your file or program that is running on your computer, for example, to preventing someone intentionally access to your computer and do something bad to your computer or sometime you want to prevent children from play game, or even sometime you are annoyed when someone to access to your computer for doing something uselessly. However, how can you prevent that from happening?
In fact, it is easy to close or locking a certain programs from running by someone, you can do this by following our technique described below:
1. First, please download the program name: Windows Application Blocker
2. After download, you can Extract to any folder on your computer for your easy accessing and then please run the program. Then, it will display a windows for you to enter the password, but you can skip it by pressing "OK".
3. After that, it will display another window for you to type in the name of the program, so you have to type in the name of the program you want to block and press on "Block".
If you don't know the name of the program you want to block, please right-click on that shortcut program on desktop, and choose "Properties", than you will see the program name in the "Target" Box, so type it into Application Executable Name and press Block.
4. After blocking the program, when you are trying to open it, it will show the error windows like below:
5. To set the password for Windows Application Blocker to prevent others from accessing it, please press on "Change Password" and type in your password, then press OK.
6. Finally, you are able to control your programs on your computer. To block or unblock some programs, please open Windows Application Blocker, type password, and press OK.
7. After that, please click on the program you want to unblock and press on "Unblock"
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