Saturday, January 19, 2013

How to set read-only attribute automatically in your compter

From last post I wrote about how you can set and clear your usb read-only attribute. Now is how you can set read-only automatically in your computer, so that whenever you plug in usb, it will change it to read only attribute automatically in your computer. This process involve creating key value in Registry, therefore make sure you be careful.

Tip: registry is very vital for your window to operate properly, therefore, if anything goes wrong with it, your computer might not even boot up. So, please always make a back up before you start to make change to with it. For how to back it up, in registry, go to file export, the whole keys, choose location to save, and click on save.

- Open run dialog, hold window key, and press R.
- Type in "regedit" and hit enter
-  Right click on KHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\
- Select New > Key
- Name it "StorageDevicePolicies"
- The right panel under  StorageDevicePolicies key, right-click, choose New,  DWORD (32bit) Value
- Name it "WriteProtect"
- Double click on it, and set its value to 1

Exit regidit, and try to plug in your usb again, now please copy any file to your usb.
To make it normal again, please change the value from 1 to 0.

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