Thursday, January 24, 2013

How to make Windows Vista and consume ram more then 3 GB

Computer and operating system that we are using most of them currently is 32-bit or x86 which it can consume only 3GB of RAM size.

If you have more 3GB of RAM size and you are using Windows Vista or Windows 7 Operating System, please do the following check your ram size:

1. Right-click on "Computer" and choose "Properties", then you will see like below:

This means that you put 4GB of Ram but Windows could consume only 3GB of Ram because of the setting of the Windows 32-bit and hardware.

In order to make it able to use all of your ram size, please do the following:

Download the below program according to your operating system:
Edit Ram for Window 7
Edit Ram for Window vista

After downloading, please run the program and you will see like below pictures:

1. Press "Patch"button
2. Please press the button like in the second picture, then you will see like below:

3. Please wait until it finish, and then it will prompt you to type "Y" for agreeing and restarting computer.
4. type "Y".
5. After restarting computer (startup screen) please choose the first choice to proceed.
6. Right-Click on "Computer" and choose "Properties". Then you will see that your computer now is consuming more then 3GB of ram.

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