Friday, January 18, 2013

How to Use Windows XP Drivers on Windows Vista

Windows XP is an operating system released by software developer Microsoft in 2001. Windows XP was replaced by the Windows Vista operating system in 2008. Many individuals who transitioned to the Vista operating system still wish to use peripheral devices (such as printers) that require Windows XP-specific drivers to function. Learn how to use Windows XP drivers on Windows Vista to keep such peripheral devices, save time and transition to Vista seamlessly.


1. Click the Start menu in the lower left-hand corner of the Windows Vista screen.

2. Select Run from the Start menu.

3. Type \"msconfig\" in the Run box and click the OK button. A window will appear that lists all of the programs scheduled to run when Windows Vista is turned on. Uncheck all unessential software programs. Be sure to leave critical programs checked, such as antivirus and firewall programs. Click OK.

4. Click the Start menu and select Restart to reboot the computer.

5. Open My Computer (located in the Start menu or by double-clicking the My Computer icon on the Vista desktop).

6. Double-click the C:\\\\ drive. Find the installation directory for the Windows XP program or device that you wish to run in Windows Vista. The installation directory is usually given the name of the program, the program's manufacturer, or a shortened version of either of these two options.

7. Right-click the program or driver. Select the Properties option in the pop-up menu that appears.

8. Click the Compatibility tab in the window that appears. Check the box next to the heading that reads, \"Run this program in compatibility mode.\" In the drop-down menu, select \"Windows XP.\" Click OK to close the window. The program or driver will now operate in Windows Vista in Windows XP compatibility mode, allowing the driver to function as it did in Windows XP. Note that the Windows XP driver will not be able to take advantage of any of the new features in Windows Vista while it is running in compatibility mode.

9. Check the driver's software developer's website or contact the peripheral device's original manufacturer to download and install a copy of a Vista-compatible driver as soon as possible. Running a Windows XP driver in Windows Vista is possible but may not run at optimum speed, nor offer Vista-appropriate features.

Note: Check the driver's software developer's website, or contact the peripheral device's original manufacturer to download and install a copy of a Vista-compatible driver as soon as possible.

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