Sunday, January 20, 2013

Solution when computer restarting by itself

It is hard to point exactly what is the reason when your computer is working normally, it immedaitely restart by itself.
However, mostly the root cause is from the incompatible Harware which count up to 70 percent out of other root causes and another 30 percent is from software you recently set up. Therefore below is my experience solution that I did and helped solve this problem.

Software Solution:
- Try go to Safe mode by pressing repeatedly F8 during windows is starting up and remove any program or drivers that you just installed on your computer.
- Organize your files by doing Disk Defragementer.
- Repair your Hard Disk by using Check Disk Tools.
- Prevent computer from restarting by itself by right-click on My computer, Properties, Advanced, and at Start up and Recovery click on "Setting" and uncheck on "Automatically Restart".

Hardware Solution:
- If you are using power supply, please try to change it for a better one.
- Try to change Ram that is working well on another computer.
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